Saturday, April 21, 2007

Project Bionic Leg: Day 9

Well, some great news....we are already 21% of the way there! I feel like we have reached a major benchmark and I am thrilled! Now, Bean's surgery is less than 2 weeks away (May 3rd) but I just know that things are going to move much faster now. But please do what you can to help spread the word. About a quarter of the people who have given so far had never heard of Bean until we started raising this money. They read about her situation on a blog, or got an email about it. So please, if you have a webpage/blog of your own (or even if you don't but know some dog-lovers) please spread the word by putting a link to us on your page, or sending a link in an email. I just know that once people see this beautiful little face, they will be moved to help. Thanks!

(You may also notice that I added a counter to the bottom of this page, which will give us some idea of how many people visit this site. Only seven since I installed it last night, but I know that will increase as well!)

Today's photo:
Thanks everyone! Now, if you don't mind, all this "rest" has made me sleepy. I think I will take another nap...

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