Friday, March 28, 2008

Bean Goes Multimedia!

I got an awesome new camera for my birthday on Monday (thanks Mom and Dad!) and decided to play around with it after Bean and I got back from the vet on Wednesday. It has the ability to take short (1 min) videos, and thought "Finally! I get to show Bean in action!" So I taped the destruction of the fleece toy I gave Bean in reward for not killing any cats in the waiting room.

I taped it in three parts. Unfortunately, the last part (which is the most thrilling) is kind of blurry. I tried to get fancy and mess with the settings without actually reading the manual first. Oh well. There will be many more toys for Bean to destroy I am sure!

So without further ado, I present to you:

Bean vs. Squeaky Toy - Part I

Bean vs. Squeaky Toy - Part II

Bean vs. Squeaky Toy - Part III

Notice in that last clip that she is able to remove the stuffing and the squeaker in less than 60 seconds. Now that is impressive!


Page against the machine said...

Bean, you rock my socks!

rebecca said...

Thanks Page and Nadine! I have linked to your blog from here. I am going to try to make a list of all the pit blogs out there! If you know of anymore, please let me know in the comments section.


Anonymous said...

Bean, you seem to be having so much fun with your top. I too can rip one up in seconds. I think your mommy is doing a great job with her new camera.


Anonymous said...

i don't know what was funnier - the videos or my dog watching the video and lifting the computer off my lap with her nose, trying to find where the squeaky toy was hiding.

Anonymous said...

Neat clips, Bean! It'd be neat to see them run backwards so it'd look like you were putting the stuffing back into the toy.

Anonymous said...

Great movie. We all get to see the "real you" now.
You really are a lovely girl!

Anonymous said...

I love how she brought you the squeaker the second you mentioned it! We've been posting some silent movies:

Shante Paradigm said...

oh Bean, I adore you!

Anonymous said...

You sure made quick work of that :)