Saturday, January 03, 2009

Happy New Year!!

Happy New Year everyone! I hope you had fun ringing in 2009. We certainly did! Well...Bryan had fun partying. Bean is always terrified by the fireworks and spent the night running from window to window growling and barking. Occasionally I was able to get her back into bed with me. Then just when she was about to fall asleep.... BOOM!! BOOM!! CRACK!! She was so scared. She was shaking and had her tail between her legs and everything. She seems to be more scared of fireworks and thunderstorms since she was stolen. I wonder if she was trapped outside during a storm during that week. Poor thing!

We are all catching up on sleep over here at Chez Bean, so no action photos today. Instead I present to you, My Very Sleepy Family.

Go Away. Just 10 more minutes....
(Yes, I do tuck Bean in under her covers when it's cold; and yes, I realize we need to have human children)

What could possibly be so important that you have to wake me up at 11:30 in the morning???

Meh, I'm not getting up unless there's bacon waiting for me.

"Good morning my love! Say hello to the internet!"
"Bryan? Angel?"
"OK, I'll come back later."

Well, there you have it. I guess I'll go entertain myself for few hours and try again this afternoon.

Bean is in The New Yorker!

A friend called us a few days ago to tell us that he saw Bean mentioned in the most recent issue of The New Yorker. Apparently there is an article about dog-napping, and they list some of the most famous victims of 2008:

There are no reliable statistics about dog thefts, either citywide or nationwide, but a couple of years ago Lisa Peterson, of the American Kennel Club, took it upon herself to begin monitoring what she saw as a disturbing trend. Her list of the disappeared includes not only Samantha, a Maltese from Brooklyn; Misha, a bichon frise from Flushing; and Enzo, a Yorkie from Chappaqua (later returned to his owner, former Miss America Vanessa Williams), but also LeeLoo, a poodle from Sugar Land, Texas; Bean, a pit bull from Durham, North Carolina; Pixie, a pug from Boling-brook, Illinois; and more than two hundred others in twenty-four states.
I am just glad they are getting the word out about this terrible crime, and putting dog owner's on the alert. It's a sad fact, but you really cannot assume that your dog will be safe (even for a minute!) in backseat of your car, or tethered to a lamp post outside Starbucks, or anywhere outside of your sight. We were unbelievably blessed to get our Bean back (and to have a whole army of volunteers out there looking for her!), but most aren't that lucky it seems.