Sunday, December 11, 2005

Happy Sunday!

"The cool thing about having crappy parents who run out of dog food is that sometimes you get to have bananas and peanut butter for breakfast, like I did this morning. I am hoping they forget to pick up more dog food today too, so I can have pizza for dinner. Or quesadillas. Anything they're eating will be fine. Except vegetables. I don't like 'em. Never have."


Freda said...

That's cool, Bean. Crappy parents! Mine are sooo anal. I only get what I should have, but I have trained them to put cheese on my meal or I won't eat it. Maybe I need to hide my crummy dog food.

If you get pizza tonight, hope it's Papa Murphy's!



Amstaffie said...

We use to get hamburger mixed on our kibble, but now that Rosie has gained so much weight, we're all on a diet now. Yuck.

At least someone gets to eat yummy stuff like pizza!


rebecca said...

"Thanks for the comments guys! But I have bad news...Mom just got home from school, and she was dragging a great big green bag in with her. The bag? It reeks of kibble. I am so screwed..."