Monday, May 28, 2007

Project recovery: Day 25

I am almost ashamed to admit this one. Given that I have several years of medical training under my belt, you would think I would have figured this out much sooner. Let's see how you do:

Say you had surgery (let's call it knee surgery, for the sake of this example) that would decrease the amount of your daily physical activity by over 90% for about 12 weeks. Say that after said surgery, you continued the same caloric intake that you were eating pre-operatively. You would expect your weight to:

a) decrease
b) remain constant
c) increase
d) explode exponentially

If you chose "d" , then congratulations! You are smarter than we are! We noticed a week or so ago that Bean was looking a little ....well..."husky." She was also getting way too tired after even the short 5-minute walk she gets three times a day. Then one day, while we were watching a movie in the living room where her dog-prison is kept, she sat up to reveal an unmistakably rounded belly. After laughing for a few minutes, I jumped up and got the camera. Here is Bean's first fat photo - a milestone in any girl's life. I am so proud of my baby!

We have since cut back on the amount of food we feed her.

I am NOT fat!! I am just big boned.


Anonymous said...

Bean, you are look so good girl!!!

Tiki, Kirby, and StanLee said...

Of course you're not fat.

Your knee looks like it's healing well though.

Freda said...

Hey Beans,

Heard you had knee surgerys. Glad you are recoverin' okays.

I don't see anythin' wrong with your body types. Those dummys spy cameras always make us look... uh.... differents.

Continue your great recoverys.

Wuufs and licks!