1) The diarrhea.
It's still here. We have switched antibiotics. We have de-wormed her (did I mention the worms? No? Well, that was for your own good then.) We have given her bowls of Kaopectate. We have done 5 loads of laundry a day. There is still poop everywhere.
2) The E-collar.
She still needs it. She still has her staples in over her knee, and what's worse, she tends to lick her butt if it's off. Her butt, which is now absolutely raw from the non-stop pooping. So we have to keep the E-collar for the next week at least.
3) The confinement.
The sedatives she was sent home on weren't cutting it. Yesterday she was switched to valium, but last night was just as bad. She wants out. She doesn't understand why she can't run around in the backyard and have unlimited access to the house. She doesn't understand why she has to spend all day in a little hexagon-shaped plastic jail. She voices this frustration (literally) by wailing and crying at all hours. Bryan and I switch off "sleeping" downstairs on the couch next to her. It doesn't matter though, because she still cries and neither of us gets any sleep.
For all of these reasons (and probably more, I can't think right now. no sleep) I have had to take Bean to our regular vet almost every day this week for day-boarding, so that I can get some sleep, and make some progress on laundry and de-pooping of the house. Then Bryan picks her up at night, and we start another 12 hours of sleepless, poop-y misery. I feel so guilty for not being able to take care of her myself. I am sitting here in tears as I write this. I didn't know this would be so hard. I definitely would have waited until Bryan was out for the summer (he's a school teacher) before having the surgery done.
This is not a one-person job.
I'm so sorry that you, Bean. and Bryan are in such misery. At least each miserable day that passes brings you closer to Bean's full recovery. Hang in there. We're pulling for you!
A Bean Fan
Sending good thoughts and prayers that Bean will soon be on her way to recovery.
I have been there and done it, and it is hard. Hang in there, the work and de-pooping is worth it.
I know how frustrated u must be feeling now but do hang in there. Bean needs u more than anything now. I am sure u'll agree with me that Bean is worth all the hassle. Bean surely appreciates all that u've done for her. She's lucky to have such dedicated parents looking after her!! Hope she feels better soon!
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