As soon as I finished, we drove to VA to spend the holiday weekend with Bryan's parents. I took lots of photos. I think some of the best are a few that don't even have Bean in them. I'm sure you will agree that they are still cute, though.
We were all in the car on the way somewhere when the traffic stopped to let a rather large group of geese cross. They just went right out like they do this all the time. The leader made sure they all got across before they regrouped on the other side and waddled up the hill.
I wonder where they were going...
I would not dare post without including at least one photo of Bean. So here she is, completely worn out on the way home. As I have mentioned before, Bean finds it especially comfy when she can wedge her extra large head into an extra small space. She slept for about 45 minutes with her head wedged in between the car seats.
I especially like this photo because it shows how floppy her lips have gotten as she has grown up. Here her left lip is draped over Bryan's armrest. You can also see the crumbs of sleep in her eyes. Definitely not her most becoming photo, but I think it's so funny!
My mommy and I are so glad that you are back on the scene Bean. We really missed you and asked your grandpa/ma about you. We are hoping and praying that your mommy passed her boards with flying colors. Did you do any thing special for the fourth? If you did we wanna hear about it.
Much love,
TJ the DJ & Mousie
Thank god bean didn't see the geese. She might've broken the glass to get out.
Hi Bean and Family,
Congrats on getting through the Boards and good luck on the results. Bean is so gosh darn cute no matter what she's doing. Glad you folks had a good trip.
A Bean Fan in NoVA
oh, holy bast! we are so glad that "it's over!!" didn't refer to miss bean!! we saw that on the g-mail "chat" by bean's mama's name, an' FLEW to see what was meant. . .
we is proud to read that those ol' tests is behind ya, an' hope you gets the furry best grades inna class!
our mom laughed an' laughed at the getting bean to eat the eggses an' apples. we can attest to the power of dogfart; our late dog-brofur, thor, was known as "thunderbum"!
bean has become a great beauty, an' we wishes you all the best an' happiest life togefur!
nelson, edmund, nitro, an' xing-xing
Hi meowers!
Sorry my gmail chat message scared you! I have changed it. Thanks for the nice compliments to Bean. I will make sure to tell her she has fans in Missouri!
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