Saturday, February 16, 2008

Saturday 4:11 PM

I was so moved to see so many new (to me) faces this morning at the meet-up. People brought water, supplies, fliers, and most importantly HOPE.

Lots of ground was covered by the morning crew. We are trying to keep track of it all with maps and lists.

I came home just before the 1:00pm meeting. It was generally agreed upon that a sobbing little brown woman covered in snot would not really be useful in the search.

I have just spoken with Bryan. Apparently, the flier was shown to someone in a house where people are known to steal pits. When the person saw the flier, he slammed and locked the door. The police were called, and are on their way there now (and so is Bryan). This is exactly the kind of house I am scared she is in. Please pray that this leads to something!

The word is spreading like wildfire. Bryan's phone has been ringing constantly.

Bean, if you are out there honey, just hold on a little longer. We are coming as fast as we can!


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