Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Wednesday 7:12 AM

Yes, I am supposed to be in class right now. But I don't think it would be conducive to anyone's learning experience for me to be sobbing and wailing in the front of the auditorium. I'm just not ready to go on with life as usual. It feels too much like giving up on Bean. So I am sitting here in my tiny Chapel Hill apartment (Bryan and I officially have two separate addresses, that's a whole other story) typing this while wrapped in a comforter that we snuggled with Bean on just 2 Sundays ago.

There is a mandatory Clinical Epidemiology class from 2:00-3:30 that I will make myself go to. (For those of you who don't know, I am a 2nd year medical student at UNC). When my exam rolls around on Monday, by which time we will have of course found our Bean, if you all would not mind rolling those "Bean come home" prayers into "Please let Rebecca pass her Psych Exam" prayers, that would be great. After all, I have to graduate and get a job so I can afford to keep Bean in steak and sausages for the rest of her warm, safe, happy life!

So, let's everyone just hold off on taking down the signs. I think they are too important in the search for Bean. Everyone who has called about seeing her has done so because of the signs and flyers. Let's just hope that the city has some mercy on this lost dog of mine. A commenter has some helpful advice:

Steve Medlin is the Director of Planning and Zoning for the City of Durham. I suggest we all (politely) e-mail ( or call him at (919)560-4137 and let him know how the citizens of Durham feel about how the sign ordinance is being applied to "lost dog" posters. It's one thing to regulate solicitations, it's another thing to impede a rescue effort! Not just for Bean, but for any of us who could be in this situation someday.
Here are the pertinent links:

I am going to email him right now about this, and call later on. Hopefully if enough people do this we will be granted some sort of exception. If not, I say leave them up until they actually mail us a bill. What do you think?


Anonymous said...

If you are fined - i will contribute $100.

I am following your posts and will
send a check when I hear the word!

I wonder - does anyone know how best to get the media's attention???
The more the word gets out the better.

prayers for Bean

Anonymous said...

As for media's attention call and email WRAL, Durham Herald Sun, radio stations, etc... The more people, the more success on getting their attention.

As for the fine, do not worry about that. I can donate and so will other people. We care too much about Bean and getting him home.

Keep those signs up! The signs have helped in spreading the word about Bean. People are seeing Bean around and calling because of the signs.

Keep your head. I went this morning, screaming his name, probably waking the neighborhood up, but I want us to find her.

Again, everyone needs to email and call the radio stations, TV stations, and the Newspaper. Then the public will know Bean's story and start searching for him.

I am praying really hard for Bean to come Home.


Anonymous said...

I think that (perhaps) the City of Durham should spend more of their time controlling crime (e.g., people that steal other people's dogs out of their cars) and less time worrying about signs made by the victims of those crimes. Just a thought.

I'm planning on going to look for Bean again around 4:00 today, but I'm hoping I won't need to because she'll already be home! :-)

Hang in there, Rebecca.