Monday, February 18, 2008


So, I post this plea for donations to Bean's Recovery Fund, I eat my lunch, pack a bag, meet Bryan in Durham for lunch, come home and do a photo shoot for the paper (more on that later), and then check the blog. Now we are 93% of the way to the goal!??!

Wow. Just....Wow.

We have gotten calls from both local papers today. One (The News and Observer) sent a photographer over to take some shots of Bean and her family.

Why was I left out of the final shot? That's cold.

It's a photo of Bean kissing Bryan on the chin. I am off in the background welcoming visitors. That pretty much sums up how things work around here. Bryan gets all the love! But when he is not around, and it's just me and Bean, it's a whole other story. Then she's all "Mom, I totally love you best. I just do that stuff with Dad because he's insecure. Seriously....Let me get in the bed. Please?...Mom?"

I just took some photos of Bean. She is sleeping on a blanket in the living room. All of her beds and things are in the laundry from the puking last night. The vet says she is totally healthy. We are trying her on a bland canned food for a day or two, and if she keeps that down, we will mix in her dry food until she is back to just dry. Bean probably stuck her paw down her throat last night while no one was looking, just so she could get some of this canned food. She LOVES this stuff. She had some after her knee surgery too. Bryan gave her 1/2 a can when he got back from the vet, and he said she almost hurt her face she was trying so hard to get all the food in her mouth at once.

Unfortunately, I didn't pack the cord that let's me download photos from my camera to the computer, so you will have to wait until tonight for those. But there are professional photos coming! I will let you know when they are in the paper and link to them from here.

You all are the best!



Anonymous said...

Just wanted to let you know that as I walk my dogs through the neighborhood (Northgate Park) over the next few days, I'll be sure to take down every Bean flyer I see!


Brandi Mills said...

Canned pumpkin is great for upset dog tummies. Works like a charm for China

Anonymous said...

We've been using Pet Pantry for our dogs' food. Can't say I've ever seen a dog that didn't love pretty much whatever you put in front of them, but my two are enjoying this stuff and I enjoy the home delivery. Hey - no more having to leave Bean in the Barnes parking lot! I really like Barnes and I like to shop there, but I am bothered that they know they have customers that have fighting dogs and don/ I dunno, have posters up condemning it as a vile and heinous thing to do?

Anonymous said...

I found this on the N&O Website:

I'm so happy you got her back. I know how I would feel if it was one of my furry babies.


Anonymous said...

I am so happy to see all the support y'all are getting.

I couldn't access the link that Shelby posted, but if you go here:

and search for "Bean", it should the first thing that pops up.

Anonymous said...

99%! :-)

Anonymous said...

I just checked and the Bean fund is at 100%. The kindness of strangers is heartwarming. And like they say on TV-DOGS RULE!!!
I wish I lived close so I could go to Beans party-but I am happy that she is happy and home. I will be looking everyday for new posts. She is my fav blog.
Lots of love